Contributed 181 posts
How a Dallas Housing Coalition Won Bonds for Affordable Housing
Dallas's bonds aren't usually used for housing. A new coalition of advocates changed that.

Kingston Agreed the Rent Was too Damn High — So It Lowered It
Rent stabilization typically limits the amount that rent can go up every year—but a newly appointed rent guidelines board in Kingston, New York took it a step further.

House Poor: Low-Income Homeowners Struggle in the Shadows
While renters and homebuyers’ challenges dominate the headlines, they aren't the only ones wrestling with maintaining decent housing.

Will This Resident Group Get Full Control of the Complex They Helped Fix?
A group of Cambodian immigrants took partial control of an affordable housing property in the 90s, and since then, they’ve made big changes to the complex. But they haven’t been able to get full legal control of the property for decades. Why?

The Fight Continues Against Criminalization of Homelessness
Though disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing sleeping bans, homeless advocates are energized and organizing around other solutions.