Contributed 181 posts

New Public Housing? HUD Has Found a Way
For decades, the number of public housing units across the U.S. has been shrinking. But within the limits of the law and funding, HUD has figured out a way to get back some of the housing that has been lost.

Community Land Trusts: Combining Scale and Community Control
Pitting the straw men of scale and community control against one another does the field more harm than good.

Defining the 'Community' in Community Land Trusts
As community land trusts take root and expand, they face numerous questions on how to stay communally-focused while their geographic scope grows.

Millions of Tenants at Risk of Eviction, Billions in Rental Assistance Undelivered
What happens if the federal rental assistance money available to renters doesn’t make it to them before the moratorium expires? And how did the 2020 eviction predictions pan out?

How to Get Racial Equity Into Biden's Infrastructure Plan
Congress has an opportunity to acknowledge the racial inequity built into our failing infrastructure and to put into operation the promise of equity in Biden’s infrastructure plans.