Contributed 14 posts

Beacon / Bunker
Kris Graves photographs all 77 NYPD precincts from Tottenville to Edenwald, looking to these buildings—sometimes humble, sometimes imposing—for the face and footprint of law and order in the neighborhood.

Home Sharing or Illegal Hotel?
Like many companies in the “sharing economy,” Airbnb prides itself on “disrupting” the traditional marketplace—but at what cost to New York’s affordable housing?

What Jail Can't Do
Frank Greene and Kenneth Ricci discuss the changing paradigms of half a century of justice architecture and what we should ask — and expect — from courts and jails.
Blow-Up Bulwark
Climate change is real, and happening now — but exactly what that means for coastal cities is surprisingly uncertain. Engineers at Princeton’s Form Finding Lab choose flexibility over fortification to protect coastal cities from flooding.