Contributed 14 posts

The Happy Jail
Where do the street trees come from, and where does the compost go? Rikers Island was New York City's growing outpost for years. But does “greening” the jail always improve things for prisoners?

Public Space Arms Race
Battles for inclusion and exclusion in the life of the city more often end in stand-offs than in skirmishes.
Noncompliant Bodies, Accommodating Space
The architects behind “Stalled!” see gender as one of many variables and identities to consider in designing inclusive environments.
Off the Beaten Path
Designing comfort stations to accommodate more than 60 million annual New York State Parks visitors — representing many different genders, backgrounds, and accessibility needs — is no simple task.

Yes Sitting, Yes Skating, Yes Music
Where can teenagers hang out and be safe in public? Members of Yes Loitering, advocates for public spaces where youth can “hang out and be themselves” without fear of reprisal.