David Gest
David Gest is both a master's candidate in City and Regional Planning and a juris doctorate candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.
Contributed 827 posts
David Gest is pursuing a dual degree in Law and City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Originally from Washington, D.C., he received a bachelor's degree in architecture with a focus in urban studies from Yale University in 2003. After graduation, David moved to Los Angeles and joined the historic preservation consulting firm Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preservation, Inc. In 2006, David worked for Planetizen as Managing Editor after working part-time as Associate Editor for two years. David has volunteered his time for the Planning and Law Division of the American Planning Association, the Los Angeles Section of the APA, and as writer and editor for The Next American City magazine. He enjoys traveling with his fiancée and playing ultimate frisbee.
Soil Problems In Arizona Approximate Earthquake Damage
Many suburbanites purchasing dream homes soon find that weak soil wreaks havoc on their foundations, yet with the high demand for housing, hundreds of homes are continually constructed in such areas.
The 'Rosetta Stone' Of Zoning Handbooks
The New York City Department of City Planning releases a new, easy-to-use handbook to make zoning understandable -- at least compared to the old, arcane Zoning Resolution.
Google Maps And The Big Apple's Potty Finding Problem
Rutgers planning professor Wansoo Im uses powerful GIS tools and mapping software to track down public restrooms in New York City.
Ballparks Generate Little Return for Cities
Many economists agree that cities get little return in the way of good jobs and tax dollars when investing public money into building new professional sports stadiums.
Michigan Sinks As Leaders Cling To Old Formulas
A host of new problems faces Michigan in the 21st century, yet many state leaders have outmoded strategies for success in economic and community development.