David Gest
David Gest is both a master's candidate in City and Regional Planning and a juris doctorate candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.
Contributed 827 posts
David Gest is pursuing a dual degree in Law and City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Originally from Washington, D.C., he received a bachelor's degree in architecture with a focus in urban studies from Yale University in 2003. After graduation, David moved to Los Angeles and joined the historic preservation consulting firm Chattel Architecture, Planning & Preservation, Inc. In 2006, David worked for Planetizen as Managing Editor after working part-time as Associate Editor for two years. David has volunteered his time for the Planning and Law Division of the American Planning Association, the Los Angeles Section of the APA, and as writer and editor for The Next American City magazine. He enjoys traveling with his fiancée and playing ultimate frisbee.
Personal Rapid Transit
Has the time come for this smaller, automated, electric transit service, the cousin of the Detroit People Mover?
What Is Permaculture?
According to one advocate, a doctrine individuals can practice in all walks of life, making a tangible difference in promoting sustainability at a local level.
Could Smart Growth Tip the Next Presidential Election?
Strategists take note as Virginia's new governor tackles sprawl.
Big Brother Eyeing America's Cities?
Local police departments are increasingly relying on federally-funded surveillance camera networks to pick up where local citizens and underfunded police left off -- keeping their 'eyes on the street'.
Atlanta Puts a Moratorium on 'McMansions' in Historic Neighborhoods
To arrest the trend of historic tear-downs with incompatable 'mega-mansions' built in their place, the City of Atlanta has placed a temporary halt to the practice.