Contributed 64 posts
Should Architects Be Citizen Scientists?
Can self-contained urban food systems exist in the core of our cities? Architect Darrick Borowski of New York based firm ARExA developed a model to determine just that.
Designing for Rapid Change and a Cloudy Future
Designing large-scale projects that can take years to build in industries that are constantly evolving run the risk of becoming outdated once completed. Arup's Andrew McAlpine discusses how to design for the long-term while remaining innovative.
Harnessing Social Resilience in the Rust Belt
Paterson, New Jersey's diverse immigrant population holds the potential to revive the city's declining economy. Writer Jeff Byles documents key resources the city has and how similar postindustrial cities have harnessed community-driven planning.
The Passaic River: A Postindustrial River Reimagined
Writer Jeff Byles chronicles the Passaic River's relationship to Paterson, New Jersey and how its revival can prove beneficial for the city in this second installment of the Paterson series.
How Passive Houses Radically Reduce Energy Consumption
Passive house construction has gained traction in Europe, but has only recently started to get noticed in the United States. Writer Alex Ulam discusses the emergence of this design approach as well as its implications for use in the coming years.