Contributed 55 posts

A Community Planning Process—Even a Good One—Is Not Enough
Simply inviting residents to participate in design charrettes or a community planning process does not mitigate the significant loss they feel as they witness the physical destruction of their homes and lived history.

Preserving the Character of Little Tokyo
In the wake of rapid gentrification, an organization in Los Angeles is leveraging the arts to celebrate a community's rich heritage and keep social equity a priority.

Myths and Realities About Cycles: Avoiding the Inevitability Trap
When we start to liken housing and neighborhood cycles to the kinds of predictable, unstoppable cycles found in nature, we may find ourselves in a dangerous trap.
Gentrification the Killer in Oakland Fire
Already, the Ghost Ship tragedy is being used as a justification for code enforcement crackdowns that will likely further gentrification. But how can we combat gentrification and displacement and improve safety at the same time?

It's Not Just HUD
Though the HUD choice seems an odd, unqualified one, we should be looking beyond HUD however: Here's why Mnuchin at Treasury is even more worrisome.