Simon Lapointe
Contributed 8 posts

Why Coding Can Teach Planners How to Be More Creative
I want to learn HTML and CSS, or maybe get a refresher on the current state of web technology—where should I start?

Has the Urban Planning Profession Made You Boring?
Urban planning can be an exciting and rewarding profession. It can also be extremely political and sometimes downright boring.

Get to Know Your Community
Seven incredibly useful market research tools for local governments.

5 Ways Technology Can Improve Urban Design
Technology is a great benefit for urban design and urban planning. Not only does it help boost productivity for design and urban planning teams, but it also increases team collaboration, citizen engagement, attention to detail, and accuracy.
Can Agile Thinking Create Outstanding Plans?
Planning exercises typically require intense baseline data collection, extensive community engagement, visioning, number crunching, analysis, modeling, forecasting, more analysis, tradeoffs, revisions to the baseline data collected at the onset