Contributed 6 posts

Buffalo's Green Code Signed Into Law
After six years and 242 meetings, Buffalo's Green Code was signed into law Tuesday. The Green Code is the first rewrite of the city's zoning ordinance since 1953, and one of only three citywide form-based codes implemented in North America.
Buffalo Considering Light Rail Expansion to the Suburbs
As the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority wraps up a study of expanding into suburban Amherst, support from the community "is stronger than it’s been in decades."

Buffalo: Retrofitting a Rust Belt Capital
Author Catherine Tumbler writes on how this Rust Belt city on Lake Erie is attempting to capitalize on its past, reverse its mistakes, and build a greener economy.
Pedestrian Accessibility the Key to Buffalo's New Green Code
An op-ed column for The Buffalo News explains the thinking behind Buffalo's new Green Code—especially its benefits for walking, bicycling, and public transit.
Touring Buffalo's Neglected East Side
Recent investment in Buffalo, New York has been celebrated in the press and the city as a renaissance after decades of decline. But rising tides don't always lift all boats. A recent article describes a unique effort to call attention to the divide.