C. Scott Smith
Contributed 127 posts
EPA Proposes Large-Scale Effort to End 'Dead Zones'
The multibillion-dollar effort tightens regulations on sewage plants to limit the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous entering the Chesapeake Bay.
Taking The Planet's 'Pulse'
The ambitious environmental monitoring project amounts to a massive global network designed for the sharing, dissemination and management of environmental information.
L.A.'s Gold Line Ponders Failures, Achievements
The Gold Line LRT, which connects central Los Angeles to Pasadena, has failed to meet predicted ridership levels. Yet rail authorities remain hopeful.
Los Angeles Embarks on Massive River Restoration Project
Environmental activists and residents of Owens Valley look forward to the planned revival of a 65-mile stretch of river.
Caltrain's New 'Baby Bullet' Express Train Service Ready
While it's no match for Japan's 'bullet' trains, Caltrain's new service does offer fewer stops and shorter commute times.