Christian Madera
Christian Madera was managing editor of Planetizen from 2006 to 2008.
Contributed 1912 posts
Christian Madera was managing editor of Planetizen from 2006 to 2008. He currently lives and works in Hong Kong.
Christian has written about urban planning, policy and technology issues for the Los Angeles Times, Planning Magazine, The Southern Sierran, and Next City Magazine, where he was a 2010 Urban Leaders Fellow. His past experience includes working as a community planner and the web and new media manager for the National Capital Planning Commission in Washington, DC, as well as a policy analyst for a non-profit housing developer in Los Angeles.
Prior to joining Planetizen, Christian worked as a program manager for the China Planning and Development Institute in Shanghai and Beijing. Christian also spent three years as a web developer at Urban Insight, the internet consulting firm that supports Planetizen, and contributed significantly to the development of Planetizen from 2000-2003. He has interned and consulted with a number of governments and non-profit organizations, including the Port Authority of NY/NJ, the Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), NYU Rudin Center for Transportation Policy, New Jersey Future, the City of Newark, NJ, and the CUNY Building Performance Lab in New York City.
Christian holds a BS in urban planning and development from the University of Southern California's School of Policy Planning and Development, and an MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School of International and Public Affairs at Princeton University.
Voters Clamp Down On Eminent Domain
<p>Eight states approved new measures to restrict the use of eminent domain on November 7th -- widely seen as a reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of Kelo vs. New London.</p>
Kansas City Approves One Man's Light Rail Plan
<p>Kansas City voters approved a light rail plan that was opposed by the regional transit agency -- who called it a fantasy and ungrounded in reality.</p>
Phoenix's Housing Glut
<p>The housing market decline has left many new suburban tract homes in the Phoenix metro area without buyers.</p>
Building Homes For Generation X
<p>While the current housing market in decline, analysts are starting to think about meeting the different housing demands and preferences of younger households.</p>
Microsoft Launches 3D City Maps
<p>In a challenge to the popular Google Earth, Microsoft has released a new technology that allows users to view 3D models of cities.</p>