Contributed 12 posts
Good Parks Good for Urban Economies
Anne Schwartz compiles recent studies on the economic value of parks, describing how an investment in parks by the city will result in a healthier urban economy.
Report Estimates Economic Value of Philadelphia's Park System
<p>A report announced by Mayor Michael Nutter estimates that Philadelphia's park system has a combined economic value of $1.9 billion in services, income and taxes to the city.</p>
Pavement In The Park
<p>U.S city parks have given over large swaths of green to automobile storage, but not every park is held hostage by the automobile. Cities are finding ways to increase access while relieving pressure to provide parking in parks.</p>
Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis: Successful, But Buses Need to Go
<p>Minneapolis' signature street has fulfilled its promise as an urban oasis. But belching buses and sidewalk cafes don't mix.</p>
Cities Benefitting From Decking Highways With Parks
<p>U.S. cities are increasingly utilizing below-grade freeway to cover with parkland. Some 20 highway-deck parks are already open, with more in the pipeline.</p>