RFQ for Buffalo Niagara's Region Central: Utilizing the Scajaquada Corridor to Create Vibrant and Healthy Communities

Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council
Tuesday November 10, 2020
Location: Buffalo, NY

The Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council, the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Erie and Niagara Counties in New York, has taken the lead for the Region Central initiative. Region Central is a key economic driver for Buffalo Niagara--drawing in visitors from across Western New York and beyond, and as a major education hub and a growing area of commerce. With Scajaquada Creek running through Region Central, it is intricately tied to key waterways and the Great Lakes watershed. Region Central is where Buffalo Niagara residents come to be active. People also come to experience world-class architecture and museums. Region Central is home to both great established neighborhoods and new housing options. A wealth of resources, Region Central needs to be safely accessible by all modes of transportation.

We are looking for consultants to utilize creative and innovative ways to support informed decision-making and build sustained support for the new Region Central. Three major scope areas are identified, and consultants may propose on any or all steps. Collaborative teams are welcome.

RSVP deadline for Pre-Proposal Virtual Meeting: 10/20/20

Pre-proposal Virtual Meeting: 10/22

Due date for proposal: 11/10

Posted October 15, 2020

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