Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc. Captures State Planning Award for Big Beaver Corridor Study
Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc.
Located approximately 20 miles north of Detroit, the City of Troy is an Edge City with abundant retail and office space. Big Beaver Road is a major east-west thoroughfare in Troy.
Concerned that the district was beginning to lose its appeal, with continued growth in outlying suburbs, The City of Troy and its Downtown Development Authority (DDA) retained the team of Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc., Grissim Metz Andriese, and the Chesapeake Group, Inc. to develop a plan to transform Big Beaver Road into a "world class boulevard".
The Big Beaver Corridor Study proposes to transform Big Beaver Road from an automobile-dominant, suburban corridor into a pedestrian-friendly, urban destination. Key concepts include organizing the six-mile corridor into distinct districts and developing gateways at key entry points. Signature architecture, landscaping, and streetscape treatments will create a sense of arrival at corridor gateways. Street trees will frame a visual axis along the corridor, defining its edges, and will buffer sidewalks from travel lanes. An increase in residential uses, mixed-use development, enhanced urban design, and density will boost pedestrian activity and walkability. In urban districts, sidewalks will widen, building heights will increase, and setbacks will be reduced, fostering a sense of enclosure and human scale. Transportation choices will provide variety and reduce the dominance of the automobile. A grid street pattern will be developed in the urban core, dispersing traffic on many routes rather than concentrating it on Big Beaver Road. Service lanes with parallel parking will be constructed along Big Beaver Road, and parking decks will replace surface parking. The corridor will be transformed into an outdoor museum. Civic art will be installed at gateways and in public squares. Iconic footbridges and sleek, elegant street furniture will also function as public art.
City leaders have endorsed the Study's key concepts and are committed to its long-term implementation. Zoning Code changes have been made and more are anticipated to implement recommendations. Other enhancement efforts are underway. In October 2007, the City Council granted preliminary approval for the Pavilions of Troy, an urban, mixed-use project on the former site of the Kmart world headquarters, which will serve as a catalyst for other similar pedestrian-oriented projects.
Related Link: Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc. - Big Beaver Corridor Study
For more information contact:
Rod Arroyo
Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc.
28021 Southfield Road
Lathrup Village
MI 48076
Phone: 2484231776
Fax: 2484231776
Email: [email protected]
Posted October 26, 2007
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