PD&R Quarterly Update on Office-to-Residential Conversions
HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research
On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) will host a PD&R Quarterly Update virtual event focused on Office-to-Residential Conversions. After a housing market update from PD&R’s Kevin Kane and a data spotlight segment from PD&R’s Veronica Helms Garrison, Tracy Hadden Loh from Brookings Metro will provide keynote remarks. The event will then feature two panel discussions. In the first panel, developers will discuss the nuts-and-bolts of how to convert office space into residential units, and the second panel will explore how policymakers can create tools to facilitate successful conversions in downtown markets.
Update on U.S. Housing Market Conditions
Kevin Kane, Chief Housing Market Analyst, Economic Market Analysis Division, PD&R/HUD
Data Spotlight
Veronica Helms Garrison, Analyst, PD&R/HUD
Keynote Remarks
Tracy Hadden Loh, Fellow, Brookings Metro, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking
Panel: Design, Construction, and Financing Challenges and Opportunities
Moderator: Aaron Shroyer, Senior Advisor, PD&R/HUD
Philip Aftuck, Director of Investments, The Bernstein Companies
Steve Smith, AIA, Principal at Cooper Carry
Panel: Policies to Facilitate and Promote Office-to-Residential Conversions
Moderator: Kera Package, Chief of Staff, Office of Community Planning and Development, HUD
Sean Campion, Director of Housing and Economic Development Studies, Citizens Budget Commission
Maurice D. Cox, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Development, City of Chicago
Yesim Sayin, Executive Director, D.C. Policy Center
We hope you can join PD&R for this discussion on office-to-residential conversions. We also invite you to participate in the event via social media by following @HUDUSERnews. We’ll be tagging our updates with #PDRUpdate.
Posted June 22, 2023
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HUDs Office of Policy Development and Research