Senior Planner

County of Santa Clara, Department of Planning and Development

San Jose, CA

Salary: $114,050.56 - $138,014.24 Annually

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The Department of Planning and Development is currently recruiting for two (2) Senior Planner vacancies:

This Senior Planner will play a crucial role in reviewing complex professional-level tasks related to land use and planning laws, zoning, housing, discretionary entitlements with associated report writing for consideration by the County Zoning Administrator and/or Planning Commission, and the review of building permits and environmental analysis under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Senior Planner will also serve as the lead on assigned projects, which may include overseeing a number of programs (examples include: County General Plan & Housing Element, Surface Mining and Reclamation Act, Santa Clara Valley Ag Plan, and Habitat Plan) and works independently, assuming responsibility for more complex projects (such as Stanford master planning), and must be resourceful and responsive to specialized assignments from Executive Management or the Board of Supervisors. The Senior Planner may also be responsible for reviewing development and parcel maps/subdivision proposals, as well as building plans, and permits. The County will be embarking upon a comprehensive General Plan Update, and other various vision plans and may be expected to oversee and manage these efforts. The County also processes large and complex private development applications for large private institutional uses, new quarries, places of worship and agricultural processing campuses. A Senior Planner with areas of expertise related to long-range/comprehensive planning and/or major project development processing experience, coupled with strong CEQA experience is desired. 

In addition to meeting the employment standards for a Senior Planner, candidates must possess in-depth knowledge and working experience in two (2) or more of the following areas:

  • Preparing advanced California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents (e.g., Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports).
  • Experience in complex medium- to large-scale development entitlement projects such as campus planning, industrial, commercial, housing, agricultural housing or processing developments, or similar projects requiring advanced CEQA processing, staff report writing, data management and analysis, public outreach and public hearings.
  • Experience in the management of CEQA and technical consultants, including meeting coordination, reviewing work products, and contracting/billing. Experience in managing consultants to ensure the project is completed within the approved timeline and budget with the proper deliverable is required.
  • General requirements of the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), preparation of annual surface mining inspection reports, and review and approval of Financial Assurance Cost Estimate (FACE), Reclamation Plans, and Mining Plans (desired, not required).
  • Analytical understanding of State laws and regulations impacting land use and local government, with directly related work products that include major ordinance revisions and creation and processing of new programs. This would include preparation of professional staff reports of summarized data, conclusions and recommendations.
  • Have conducted as a lead project manager or co-project manager long-range, comprehensive planning projects; e.g., general plan updates, major zoning ordinance amendments, specific plans, vision plans, etc., with working knowledge of the principals and practices of such working documents.

Under limited direction, to provide service to the public and permit applicants, to coordinate the review and analysis of development applications for cities, agencies and other county departments, to conduct planning studies, feasibility studies, master plans and concept plans, to research and analyze planning data, to make policy, ordinance and program recommendations, and to administer zoning, planning or parks and recreation development programs. The Senior Planner will be working for the Department of Planning and Development.

Typical Tasks

  • Provides advanced level customer support for the preparation and processing of moderate to major development applications, re-zonings and plan amendments;
  • Serves as a project manager for the preparation and review of master plans, concept plans, feasibility studies, development applications, zoning and plan amendments and annexations, and other planning-related documents by leading the process, supervising professional and technical staff, establishing procedures, setting goals, and assuming responsibility for the final outcomes;
  • Supervises consultants and negotiates, executes and administers third-party consultant contracts, including fiscal controls such as budget tracking and verification of invoices;
  • Serves as a program manager for a specialized portion of the planning program such as zoning administration, architectural review, Stanford administration, surface mining, historic resources, agriculture and park and open space related projects, and airport land use;
  • Develops and manages complex planning studies, master plans, concept plans or feasibility studies and reports on topics, such as land use, housing, historic resources, environmental impacts and economic development, in support of new or updated plan policies, regulations or programs;
  • Performs field inspections to gather data relevant to planning projects and the development review process, to verify that development projects comply with approved plans or to initiate actions necessary to correct violations of regulations or project conditions;
  • Enters development permit information and permit process workflow data in a central database;
  • Abstracts information from aerial photographs, subdivision maps, census reports, building permits, etc., for analysis in planning studies;
  • Analyzes geographic information systems data and creates maps;
  • Prepares plans, maps, graphs and other visual aids;
  • Leads or serves on advisory committees or boards such as Bay Trail, Bay Area Ridge Trail Council South County Committee or zoning decision-making bodies, schedules and conducts meetings, assists elected officials and their staff with planning matters and constituent concerns;
  • Prepares or manages personnel who prepare environmental documents in compliance with environmental laws such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) or the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA);
  • Conducts in-depth property specific research including the review of deeds and other legal documents; 
  • Prepares recommendations and presents detailed written and oral reports on complex development applications, standards, zoning ordinances, General Plan amendments or local or regional planning initiatives to decision-making bodies such as Board of Supervisors, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Airport Land Use Commission, Historical Heritage Commission, Housing, Land Use, Environment and Transportation Committee, and San Martin Planning Advisory Committee;
  • Assists in the training and supervision of subordinate staff; Analyzes and reviews complex land development applications, site plans and building permit applications for completeness and conformance with policies, ordinances, master plans, concept plans, County General Plan, conditions of approval, and State and Federal regulations, prepares conditions of approval where necessary, and takes discretionary action on certain land development projects that reviewed at the staff level, making required findings;
  • Prepares and delivers presentations to community organizations, clubs, planning seminars, homeowners groups, etc.;
  • Participates in meetings, conferences and workshops at local, regional and state levels;
  • Assists in the administration of a functional unit;
  • Conducts advanced outreach to community organizations, government agencies, developers and the public to encourage participation, resolve problems or obtain input;
  • Answers inquiries and provides general information to the public regarding land use projects, permitting procedures, development policies, plans, zoning ordinances and other regulations;
  • Provides information to the public regarding the permitting and development review requirements of other County departments such as Fire Marshal's Office, Environmental Health, Land Development Engineering, Geology, Roads and Airports, and Building, and County programs such as Williamson Act, Historic Preservation, and the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan;
  • Resolves issues and complaints from the public or neighbors and permit applicants;
  • Attends evening meetings;
  • May be assigned as a Disaster Service Worker, as required;
  • Performs related work as required.

Employment Standards

Possession of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college with a major in planning, architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, natural resources, social science or related field;

-AND -
Three (3) years of professional planning experience. A Master's degree in planning may be substituted for two (2) years of the required experience. A Master's degree in a closely related field may be substituted for one (1) year of the required experience.

Possession of a valid California Driver's License prior to appointment and the ability to qualify for and maintain a County Driver's Permit.

Possession of license, registration or certification in a related field, such as American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), is desirable.
Knowledge of:

  • Principles, practices and legal requirements of planning and zoning administration;
  • Environmental protection regulations such as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Endangered Species Act;
  • State and local laws pertaining to land use such as Williamson Act, Historic Preservation Program, and Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan;
  • Relationship of land use planning to the requirements of other County departments such as Fire Marshal's Office, Environmental Health, Land Development Engineering, Geology, Roads and Airports, and Building;
  • Principles of effective customer service;
  • Statistics and math applicable to planning and property development;
  • Planning implications to the community's physical, economic, and social characteristics;
  • Environmental impacts and property development and construction practices;
  • Governmental organizations and operations and community interrelationships;
  • Advanced research, report writing and presentation techniques;
  • Common computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, database management, internet, econometric or transportation modeling, and geographic information systems.

Ability to:

  • Review project descriptions, plans or field conditions and apply policy and code provisions to determine performance;
  • Interpret the zoning ordinance and other policy documents;
  • Organize and conduct planning studies including supervising the work of others;
  • Prepare and present complex staff reports, planning studies, policies and ordinance to the public and decision-making bodies;
  • Conduct analysis and make recommendations based on findings in studies, field observation and public input;
  • Efficiently administer planning policies, ordinances and permit processes;
  • Build relationships and work respectfully, tactfully and creatively with the public, agencies and staff;
  • Provide effective project management and staff leadership;
  • Manage multiple projects and issues effectively and meet firm deadlines;
  • Facilitate large meetings and community workshops.

Posted March 12, 2025, 3:59 PM PDT

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