World Design Policy Conference

World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024
Tuesday November 12, 2024
Location: San Diego, CA

On Nov. 12-13, the two-day World Design Policy Conference, Beyond Boundaries, brings to life the exchange of ideas to develop, launch and maintain effective, design-led urban policies via panels, workshops and a speaker series from different countries, regions and cities.

Please join us at IQHQ Research and Development District (RADD) in San Diego to participate in a global platform for those actively involved in shaping the future for, and enhancing the well-being of, urban inhabitants.

Register for the conference

Keynote speakers include: 

Tim Brown: Executive chair of IDEO and one of the world’s foremost experts in design thinking.

Dr. Patricia Moore: Renowned designer and gerontologist named one of the "40 Most Socially Conscious Designers" redefining inclusivity and earning her honors like the National Design Award and the WDO’s World Design Medal.

Don Norman: Founder of the UC San Diego Design Lab and co-founder the Nielsen Norman Group as well as former Apple VP. 

María Rosario Jackson: Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts who convened its first national summit on the role of arts and culture in communities.

4 tracks: 

+ Beyond Borders: Investigate how decentralization, migration and near-shoring shape our interconnected cross border communities and foster global economic resilience and adaptability.

+ Beyond Creative: Explore how community life, thriving creative economies and cultural transformation interact to shape dynamic and prosperous commercial ecosystems. 

+ Beyond Innovation: Identify disruptive scientific, technological and policy design and innovations will alter the course of our future on the planet.

+ Beyond Health: Imagine the future healthcare system and co-design a trust driven, resilient system inspired by evidence-based principles.

Learn more about the World Design Policy Conference and register to attend here!

Posted October 8, 2024

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