Case Studies:
Chuck Austin Place in Yakima, Washington, is an adaptive reuse project that created 41 units of affordable housing for veterans formerly experiencing homelessness and their families. The Yakima community collaborated with federal and local partners to realize the project by acquiring surplus federal property. The project, which converted a United States Marine Corps armory, creates housing that is consistent with the scale of the surrounding neighborhood. In addition to housing, there are considerable community amenities along with spaces for area service providers, including Yakima Neighborhood Health Services, to meet the physical, behavioral, and dental health needs of residents. Chuck Austin Place is named in honor of Chuck Austin, a military veteran who served in three different wars.
New Reports:
Policy & Practice: State and Local Eviction Prevention Actions
Policy & Practice is a publication focused on shaping housing policy at the state and local levels by providing evidence-based insights for decisionmakers. The current issue explores state and local eviction prevention actions, focusing on the costliness of evictions and the need for policies providing renters with time and resources to catch up on rent. Emphasizing the influence of local laws on landlord-tenant relationships, the issue reviews effective policies to reduce eviction filings, ultimately aiming to enhance housing stability for vulnerable families.
Housing and Health Data Dashboard
New on HUD User! HUD's Housing and Health Data Dashboard serves as a resource for locating housing and health-related research. The dashboard offers organized data across five categories: HUD Administrative Data, Housing Survey Data, Data Linkages with Census, Data Linkages with Federal Agencies, and PD&R Evaluation Study Data. Each category provides a detailed description of the data, weblinks, select publications, and contact information for those with questions about the data. The dashboard, aimed at researchers interested in the intersection of housing and health, includes a wide range of datasets, from administrative and survey data to linkages with Census and federal agency data.
HUD Awards $4 Million to Study Innovative Ways to Boost Housing Supply
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated nearly $4 million to support research aimed at addressing critical knowledge gaps and boosting housing supply through innovative practices. The funds will aid local leaders in leveraging off-site construction, land use and zoning reforms, and office-to-residential conversions to meet housing needs. The Offsite Construction and Land Use Reform funding, totaling $3 million, will support 10 institutions in researching off-site construction methods and zoning reforms. Additionally, $858,261.91 has been awarded for a study analyzing office-to-residential conversions in six cities and developing an online community guide for policymakers.
2024 IAH Final Presentations and Awards Ceremony
The Innovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition (IAH), currently in its 11th year, is a HUD initiative to encourage research and innovation in affordable housing, to raise practitioner and future practitioner capacity, and to foster cross-cutting teamwork within design and community development processes. The IAH competition has been designed to replicate a real-life approach. Multidisciplinary teams composed of graduate students in architecture, planning and policy, finance, and other areas have been asked to address social, economic, environmental, design, financial, and construction issues while designing a new development for mixed-income residents on a site in Madison, Wisconsin, as identified by the Madison Community Development Authority.
On April 18, four student finalist teams, representing the University of California, Berkeley (two teams); University of Maryland, College Park; and Harvard University will present their final projects as part of a live webcast. The jury will deliberate before the winner and runner-up are announced at the conclusion of the event.
This is a unique opportunity to hear innovative student ideas in response to a real-world issue. We hope you can join us in person or via webcast on April 18.
Posted March 13, 2024
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