Norman Wright
Norman Wright, AICP, is the Director of Development Services for Columbia, Tennessee
Contributed 15 posts
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Norman Wright, AICP, was a Director of Development Services for a municipal government in Tennessee.
Mr. Schramm is Right; Mr. Schramm is Wrong
All economics and no philosophy can make a planner a dull boy. In that sense, Carl Schramm’s recent article in Forbes magazine is absolutely right—but only to a degree. I’ll do my best to explain why.
The Planning Fallacy Part Deux (now with more fallacies!)
A final, closer look on how our optimism can be our best quality and our biggest weakness.
The Planning Fallacy
Often times, what we think of as a plan is just an elaborate wish.
Small Steps = Smart Planning
A bold vision can be terrific but a small step in the right direction is more important.
An Easier Way To Fight Sprawl
Instead of always fighting to make sprawl development harder, let's focus our energy on making great infill development easier.