Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Canadians Reject 'Green Shift' at the Polls
Canadians went to the polls yesterday and re-elected Stephen Harper's Conservative Party -- which downplayed environmental issues -- while rejecting the "Green Shift" carbon tax plan of the Liberal Party.
Can 'Ecological Economics' Put an Accurate Price on Ecosystems?
Canada's wide open spaces and clean cities are misleading: its arable land could fit in Montana and most of its dirty manufacturing has moved to Asia. A more accurate economic model is required to account for Canadians' ecological footprint.
Canada's Tories Fail to Sway Urban Voters
The Conservative Party may have won Canada's federal election yesterday, but did so without much support from major cities. With few urban MPs in the Conservative cabinet, how will the incoming parliament deal with issues facing cities?
Fear and Housing on the Campaign Trail, 2008
<p> James Howard Kunstler <a href="http://jameshowardkunstler.typepad.com/">has been saying for some time now</a> that when our "ponzi scheme" economy finally crumbles around us, people are going to be very angry, and looking for someone to blame. </p>
Time Running out to Save Gulf Coast Communities?
The wetlands and barrier islands of Louisiana -- nature's way of absorbing tidal surges during tropical storms -- are almost gone. We may not be able to restore them.