Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Why Infrastructure Spending isn't Always the Answer
China's stimulus plan is aimed at funding more of what the country already has enough of: infrastructure. What's needed is social spending and for citizens to have more of a stake in the economy, argues Zhiwu Chen.
From a Zombie Economy to a New Economy
The stream of Washington bailouts is a doomed attempt to revive a 'zombie economy', argues James Howard Kunstler. He believes we need to start organizing new, local economies built around growing food, making things and transporting them by rail.
Urban Subcultures and Sartorial Landscapes
An annual online photo exhibit explores the fashion subcultures of different cities, which are often defined by musical tastes.
London Blitz, Redux
A combination of economic crises and a tax code based on square footage rather than rentals is encouraging a raft of demolitions that is leaving parts of London looking like it's been bombed again.
Public Lands Under an Obama Administration
Environmentalists and resources extracting industries alike are scrutinizing President-Elect Obama's election comments for indications of what his administration's public lands policies will be like.