Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Bike Lanes a "Religious Hazard'?
A controversy has erupted in Brooklyn over bike lanes, which are opposed by members of the Hasidic community on religious grounds [includes video].
Copenhagen and 'Taking Care of the World'
<span>Yesterday, as a part of my university’s community outreach efforts, I delivered a lecture at a suburban retirement home on the theme of sustainable cities. I discussed Smart Growth, New Urbanism and the need for greater urban densities, all framed by the current events unfolding in Copenhagen at the <a href="http://en.cop15.dk/">United Nations Climate Change Conference</a>.<span> </span></span> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span>At the end of my talk, several elderly ladies came up to chat with me and thank me for the lecture. On her way out, one turned to me and said, “You take care of the world for us. We’re not going to be around much longer – it’s up to you young people.”<span> </span></span> </p>
Global Op-Ed Pleads for Deal on Climate Change
In the lead-up to the Copenhagen Conference on climate change, 56 newspapers worldwide have jointly published the same, urgent editorial, warning that the developed and developing nations must reach a deal on climate change.
The End of the Middle Class?
The growing concentrations of the super-wealthy in America contrast sharply with the erosion of the middle class. It is time for a new set of rules to protect ordinary Americans, writes Elizabeth Warren.
The Excess of Dubai
Huffington Post has put together a slide show highlighting the over-the-top architecture of Dubai.