Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
America the Beseiged?
Architectural securitization measures around public buildings are going from temporary fixtures to permanent ones, and most are turning once-beautiful cities into military zones. Architecture critic Blair Kamin asks, is all of this necessary?
Public Libraries As Anchors For Urban Revitalization
Governments concerned about sound urban planning need to pay more attention to the role played by anchor public institutions, such as public libraries, in invigorating local economies, writes urban strategist and former Winnipeg Mayor Glen Murray.
Can Architecture's 'New And Powerful Libido' Save The World?
Architect Margaret Helfand, reporting from the 10th annual Venice Architecture Biennale, describes the exhibition as a "call to arms" in a "life or death" struggle to ensure humanity's survival in a rapidly urbanizing world.
Friday Funny: A Dig At The 9/11 Memorial Project's Progress
Five years after 9/11, satirical publication The Onion reports on the World Trade Center rebuilding effort in New York City.
'Neutron Bomb' Mortgages Set to Blow in '07
Option adjustable rate mortgages(ARM) have in recent years been offered to thousands of middle-income homeowners who may soon face "personal catastrophe" as their loans reset, doubling their monthly payments.