Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Downtown Winnipeg's Comeback
Once the site of neglected and abandoned buildings, Winnipeg's downtown is now seeing a host of construction and renovation projects, thanks to its redevelopment corporation, new incentives, a mixed use zoning bylaw -- and a change in perceptions.
Jane Jacobs' Complex Legacy
On the occasion of Jane Jacobs' birthday (and the international "Jane's Walks" held in her honor), Stephen Wickens muses on Jane Jacobs' legacy and the ways in which her ideas are used -- and misused -- in an age of superficial mass media.
Has Canada Botched "the Mother of all Data"?
The 2011 Canadian Census marks a new era in population information: it is now a brief and voluntary household survey, which has led to widespread concern that Canadian public policy will be left fundamentally crippled, writes Sean Kilpatrick.
HBO's 'Treme' as a Pro-Urban Argument
In this interview, Treme creator David Simon discusses what motivated team that produced "The Wire" to turn their attention from Baltimore to New Orleans.
Mississauga's "Priority Neighbourhoods" Targets Suburban Poverty
With poverty indicators rising in suburban areas, Mississauga is looking to emulate Toronto's controversial "priority neighbourhoods" strategy to improve access to services.