Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
People Power, Corporations and 'Site Fights'
<p>Corporations have long been able to use regulatory instruments and the courts to override community interests to gain access to resources or to site noxious land uses. Now communities are fighting back.</p>
Oil-Rich Calgary As 'Climate Change Crusader'?
<p>Sprawling Calgary, Alberta, may have the biggest ecological footprint of any city in Canada -- and no municipal recycling program -- but will soon supply 75% of its energy needs through wind power.</p>
What Would Buddha Displace?
<p>In India, plans to build the world's largest statue and an accompanying complex dedicated to the Buddha are causing an uproar over concerns that poor farmers will be displaced from their lands.</p>
Sustainable Transportation in Canada: 'Shades of Green', but no Standouts
<p>A new study shows that Victoria B.C. leads Canadian cities in terms of sustainable transportation initiatives. But, overall, Canadian cities are not performing as well as they could be.</p>
Is Toronto 'Headed For The Welfare Lines'?
<p>Years of job losses, the expense of paying for services formerly offered by the Provincial government, and an over-reliance on property tax revenue have left Canada's largest city with a huge deficit.</p>