Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Race-Related Sprawl
<p>In this interview, civil rights leader and environmentalist Van Jones talks about the interconnections between urban sprawl, racism and the "prison-industrial complex".</p>
Environmental Damage from Israeli Bombings 'Devastating'
<p>Fifteen months after Israeli bombers destroyed Lebanon's coastal oil tanks, the damage to ecosystems, economies and human health remain "devastating."</p>
The Fire Last Time...And The Time Before That And The Time Before That...
<p>In this reprinted excerpt from his 1999 book The Ecology of Fear, Mike Davis recounts the fire-prone history of Malibu and shows that development there has succumbed to repeated disastrous fires.</p>
Are Embassies Obsolete?
<p>The American embassy under construction in Baghdad will be the largest, most heavily fortified and most expensive such facility in the world. And probably the most unnecessary, writes William Langewiesche.</p>
Seattle Hits Kyoto Targets
<p>Seattle has shown that Kyoto Protocol-level reductions in greenhouse gases are practical and achievable, and won't hurt the economy. But with car use rising, much more needs to be done.</p>