Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Baltimore, Facing Foreclosure Crisis, Sues Subprime Lender
<p>Citing the extraordinary impact of the subprime lending fiasco on minority households, the City of Baltimore is suing Wells Fargo for lost property tax revenue and the increased costs the city is now facing as a result of mass foreclosures.</p>
The Revolution Will Not be Internally Combusted
<p>By staking claim to public space, Critical Mass rides are a powerful means of supporting First Amendment rights to free speech and free assembly, according to this piece from <em>Yes! Magazine</em>.</p>
Chinese Farmers Lead Revolt Against Polluters
<p>Echoing the peasant revolutions that led to the creation of modern China, farmers are rising up against the factories they accuse of contaminating rivers and destroying their livelihoods.</p>
Abolish Montreal's 'Little Kingdoms'
<p>Owing to political fragmentation and 20 different mayors, the Canadian city of Montreal is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and must be simplified, writes Lysiane Gagnon.</p>
This is the End, My Suburban Friend, the End
<p>James Howard Kunstler reflects on how the housing crisis fallout will affect American society in an election year.</p>