Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Congestion 'Endemic' on British Roads
<p>Despite its relatively low car ownership rates, Britain has one of the worst public transit systems and the most congested roads among industrialized nations, according to a a new report.</p>
The Fight to Save New Orleans' Public Housing
<p>With homelessness rates doubling after hurricane Katrina, activists in New Orleans have filed lawsuits and faced pepper spray and tasers in their fight to save public housing units from being demolished.</p>
...And Not a Drop to Drink
<p>Desalination plants are being seen as the solution to declines in global freshwater supplies. But as Scott Thill reports, the plants may be an environmental disaster in the making.</p>
Nation's Aging Infrastructure 'No Longer Acceptable'
<p>In its new report released to Congress, the National Surface Transportation and Revenue Study Commission advocates hundreds of billions in annual infrastructure expenditures, and a significant hike in the gas tax.</p>
First Baltimore, Now Cleveland: Banks Facing More Subprime Lawsuits
<p>With thousands of its homes abandoned and public works projects permanently postponed for lack of revenue, Cleveland is filing suit against 21 of the nation's largest banks for their role in the subprime mortgage fiasco.</p>