Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Britain Fails to Keep the Home Fires Burning
<p>Despite making energy poverty a major domestic policy focus, the British government is being accused of underfunding its program, just as the number of homes living in energy poverty is at its highest level in almost a decade.</p>
Lawn Greens
<p>If 'peak oil' makes oil-intensive industrial agriculture economically unfeasible, will suburbanites need to turn their lawns into farming plots?</p>
The Bush Administration's 'War on Planning'
<p>The decay of America's infrastructure and the Bush Administration's repeated excuse, "Nobody could have foreseen..." reveals how much of America's planning tradition has been lost to free market ideology, writes Sarah Robinson.</p>
Calling the Kettle Black
<p>The launch of the Tata microcar has raised concerns about a huge magnification of traffic congestion and pollution. But without changes in the developed world, such criticisms are hypocritical, write Brendan Smith, Tim Costello and Jeremy Brecher.</p>
Where's the Federal Commitment to Public Transit in Canada?
<p>While the Canadian provincial governments in British Columbia and Ontario have committed tens of billions of dollars to improving public transit, a corresponding federal investment in transit has yet to materialize.</p>