Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
The Urban Legacy of Jack Layton
On Monday, August 22nd, the leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party, Jack Layton, succumbed to cancer and passed away, mere months after leading his left-leaning party to unprecedented electoral success as the official opposition to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives. Since then, the public expressions of loss, and the celebration of his life, have been extraordinary: impromptu memorials have sprung up in cities across Canada, <a href="http://www.toronto.ca/jack_layton/index.htm">especially in Toronto</a> where he sat as a city councilor for almost 20 years before moving to federal politics.
Bike Lanes Benefit Drivers
Canadian Urban designer Ken Greenberg and American planner Trent Lethco argue that investing in cycling infrastructure improves driving conditions -- for those times that you really need a car.
When Will Hollywood Destroy a Canadian City?
Thomas Rogers laments the fact that no disaster movie has bothered to obliterate a Canadian city or landmark.
9/11 Memorial Revealed in Dramatic Time Lapse
The transformation of Architect Michael Arad and landscape architect Peter Walker's 9/11 memorial "Reflecting Absence" from vacant space to completion is revealed in this dramatic time lapse film [VIDEO].
Housing Advocate Jack Layton Dies at 61
Jack Layton, longtime advocate for a national housing policy in Canada has succumbed to cancer just months after leading his New Democratic Party from third party status to official opposition.