Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
We'll Go Down To The River
<p>Despite official calls following the 1993 floods along the Mississippi to remove development from flood plains, more housing and retail developments continue to be built along vulnerable areas.</p>
Water Supply Crisis Facing 36 States
<p>Rising temperatures, shrinking ice packs and the salinization of coastal fresh water sources are all contributing to a growing water crisis in the United States.</p>
Congress Eyes Federal Assistance for Homeowners
<p>Congressional leaders are preparing to propose dramatic new federal initiatives to help homeowners squeezed by the mortgage crisis. Most Republicans -- and the White House -- remain unconvinced that a federal role is appropriate.</p>
Irvine, Former Subprime Capital, Struggles in Wake of Meltdown
<p>While housing markets in the rest of the country reel from the mortgage crisis, Irvine, the city that was once home to 18 subprime lenders, is seeing its local economy suffer as the effects of high profile bankruptcies ripples to other businesses.</p>
Friday Funny: China Celebrates Status as World's Top Polluter
This <em>Onion TV news segment highlights Chinese pride in the country's status as the world's top producer of air pollution.