Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Fly the Costly Skies
<p>With fill-ups costing close to $70,000 for a transatlantic flight, airlines are facing a grim future.</p>
Planning the Paris of the Future
French President Sarkozy's call for 'audacious' plans for a Paris of the future has been answered by some of the world's top architects and designers, but some wonder how any of the plans can work within the constraints of the existing city.
Will We All Become 'Envirogees'?
<p>Climate change, desertification and resource wars are displacing millions of people, and threaten to turn us all into environmental refugees, warns Scott Thill.</p>
High Gas Prices Making Rural Life Difficult
<p>Both farmers and the rural poor are hurting because gas prices are not only higher in Canada's rural areas, but the distances required to obtain food and other necessities are so great.</p>
The End of Car Culture?
<p>Transit ridership is spiking across the country as gas prices go up. Is this a tipping point for America's car culture?</p>