Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Infrastructure Deficit Called a 'Quiet Collapse of Prosperity'
<p>Big city mayors testifying before a Senate committee are asking for more federal infrastructure investments, but admitted that even the $1.6 trillion estimated by the American Society of Engineers wouldn't be enough.</p>
Golf Carts on Main Street
<p>Soaring fuel costs are seeing more people turning to non-conforming vehicles, such as golf carts. But studies show that they are a risky mode of transportation.</p>
'Takings' Case Challenges Govt. Rights Over Federal Lands
<p>A case over land rights in the West going back decades has been awarded to the estate of a deceased property rights activist, who contended that the Forest Service deprived his ranch of water.</p>
FEMA Sat On $85 Million in Katrina Relief
<p>Housing groups in Katrina-affected regions are expressing their outrage after a CNN investigation uncovered that tons of supplies intended for hurricane victims sat in storage for two years before being given away to cities and other organizations.</p>
A Bicycle Strategy for Canada?
<p>Toronto environmental lawyer Albert Koehl believes that Canada's Conservative government should embark on a national bicycle strategy.</p>