Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Starbucks Closing Hundreds of Stores
<p>After seemingly endless expansion, Starbucks begins closing some 600 stores, prompting a "save Starbucks" campaign.</p>
'Hotel of Doom' Resumes Construction in Pyongyang
<p>After a 16-year hiatus, construction has resumed on a gigantic North Korean hotel that some architects and engineers fear is so poorly built that it will never be occupied.</p>
Time for a National Water Policy in the U.S.
<p>Former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega laments the incredibly disjointed and ad hoc approach to freshwater management in the United States.</p>
America's Dying Middle Class
<p>Rolling Stone pundit Matt Taibbi writes that the media are missing the real story: that millions of Americans are financially drowning under home heating costs, gas prices and debt, and the middle class is disappearing.</p>
Will Canada's 'New Deal' for Cities Run Out of Gas?
<p> In response to the <a href="http://www.canadascities.ca/newdealforcities.htm">political movement for a "new deal" for Canada's cities</a>, successive Federal governments have instituted a Gas Tax Fund to provide Canadian municipalities with a supposedly stable means to finance their infrastructure needs. The 2008 Federal Budget extended the fund to beyond 2013-14<a href="http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/ip-pi/gas-essence_tax/index_e.shtml"> to become a permanent measure</a>. Agreements were drawn up between each of the provinces and Ottawa to set specific amounts, based on per capita need and other principles.