Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Can Colorado Cope with Growth?
With the prospect of million more residents by 2015, Colorado will need to be creative to address the infrastructure and environmental consequences of growth.
Smart Growth or Smart Food?
"Locavores" hoping to promote more sustainable agriculture through urban gardening are facing a new hurdle: infill housing projects.
The Great American Fallacy Machine
<p>When it comes to urban policy issues such as public transit andsmart growth, self-identified "Conservatives" and Libertarians have turned"straw man" argumentation into an art form. Many of their positions are sotransparently fallacious that I feel compelled to take them down, (asI've done in previous Planetizen op-eds [<a href="/node/25437">here </a>and <a href="/node/24107">here</a>])by systematically identifying their fallacies and documenting their misleading use of data sources. </p><p>It's easy and it's fun! </p>
Peds and Bikes Clash on Popular Path, Traffic Cops Imminent
Its pathway system increasingly congested with users, the city of Calgary has announced it is going to start ticketing speeding or reckless cyclists.
Zoning Questions Follow Fire, Explosions at Toronto Propane Yard
A massive explosion at a propane dealer in Toronto is leading to questions as to how such a facility could ever have been located so close to a residential area.