Michael Dudley
Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Contributed 1360 posts
With graduate degrees in city planning and library science, Michael Dudley is the Community Outreach Librarian at the University of Winnipeg.
Putting the "Green" in Dockside Green Through District Energy
The Globe and Mail profiles Victoria B.C.'s community of Dockside Green, which, in addition to being an infill development, is powered by a district energy system.
What is China Building in the Desert?
Huffington Post Canada has posted a series of satellite images featuring massive and unexplained structures and networks in the Kumtag Desert region of China.
"Reverse Graffiti" Artist Illustrates How Dirty Our Cities Really Are
Grist profiles a British street artist who specializes in creating images on dirty urban spaces (like tunnel walls) by simply washing away the grime.
Will Withdrawal of U.S. UNESCO Funding Endanger World Heritage Sites?
A long-standing Congressional ban on U.S. funding for any U.N. agency that recognizes Palestine will mean a $60 million hole in UNESCO's budget in the wake of its decision to admit the nascent state.
Salon's Blueprint for Change: Relief for Homeowners, Public Works & Carbon Pricing
In response to the Occupy Wall Street movement the staff at Salon.com have brainstormed a "New Declaration of Independence" for guiding the United States into a more progressive future.