Mary is an editor and writer who is passionate about urban planning and the direct impact it has on people's lives and how we experience the world around us. Prior to joining Planetizen as editorial manager in December 2023, she spent eight years as an editor for Planning magazine, the flagship publication of the American Planning Association.

Home Equity Takings Case Will Move Forward, Federal Judge Rules
Two plaintiffs in Greenfield, Massachusetts, have accused city officials of violating the Takings Clause after the city foreclosed on their properties to recoup unpaid property taxes and then kept all the equity.

Plans for Nashville’s First Chinatown Underway
Developers are working on a new cultural commercial development that will offer unique Asian architecture, culture, shopping, restaurant, and retail services to Nashvillians and visitors from surrounding cities and states.

Is Charlotte Overselling Plan to Expand Transit?
Even if voters approve a new one-cent transit sales tax, will Charlotte be able to deliver on its promise of two new commuter rail lines and a new bus rapid transit line?

New Playbook Aims to Accelerate Housing Supply in the US.
As communities across the country work to address massive housing shortage and affordability issues, a new guide from the American Planning Association and the National League of Cities can help decision-makers chart a clear path forward.

Too Much of a Good Thing? 5 Flavors of Overtourism
Popular travel destinations across the world are facing a huge challenge as international tourism surpasses pre-pandemic levels: too many visitors. But what’s driving this troublesome trend?