Mary is an editor and writer who is passionate about urban planning and the direct impact it has on people's lives and how we experience the world around us. Prior to joining Planetizen as editorial manager in December 2023, she spent eight years as an editor for Planning magazine, the flagship publication of the American Planning Association.

Gen Z Says Housing Affordability Is Top Issue in November Election
As mortgages remain out of reach and rents unaffordable, particularly for younger generations, housing affordability could be a deciding factor at the ballot box.

10 States Where the Gas Tax Is Highest
As the gap between gas tax revenue and transportation funding needs widen across the country, the funding mechanism is drawing increased scrutiny from both public officials and consumers.

DOJ Investigating Corporate Landlords for Criminal Conspiracy
Lawsuits allege corporate landlords used property management software RealPage to cooperatively raise rents. The impact on the Atlanta rental market appears to be broad enough that the Feds are investigating for potential criminal conspiracy.

May’s Must-Reads: Top 10 Articles From Last Month
The month of May featured a lot of stories on local and state bans, as well as a controversial move to split Baton Rouge in two.

Florida Homeowners 'Nope Out' of Beach Restoration Over Public Access
The U.S. Corps of Engineers and Redington Shores, Florida are at a standstill: The Corps won’t spend public money to restore private beaches, and homeowners are refusing to grant public access to the beaches behind their home in return for federal assistance.