Mary is an editor and writer who is passionate about urban planning and the direct impact it has on people's lives and how we experience the world around us. Prior to joining Planetizen as editorial manager in December 2023, she spent eight years as an editor for Planning magazine, the flagship publication of the American Planning Association.

Property Taxes Cuts on the Ballot in at Least Eight States
From completely eliminating property tax to creating new exemptions, voters in eight states across the country will cast their votes on a variety of ballot measures that could have major implications for local budgets.

DOJ Issues Warning to Local Governments with 'Crime-Free' Housing Programs
The Justice Department has put local governments with “crime-free” and “nuisance” housing programs on notice that implementation may be unlawful when it unfairly penalizes classes of people protected under federal law.

Do Americans Want Women-Only Subway Cars?
Results from a YouGov survey indicate there is interest in subway and train cars being designated as women only, especially among female riders, younger riders, and people who have had negative interactions on public transportation.

3D-Printed Community in Texas Nearly Complete
Upon completion, the 100-home Wolf Ranch Community north of Austin will be the largest 3D printed neighborhood in the world.

Will LA’s Transit Plan Cross the Finish Line Ahead of 2028 Summer Olympics?
The latest report from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority says the 2028 Summer Olympics host city is falling behind on its transit improvement plan and likely won't catch up in time for the Games.