Ma'ayan Dembo is an excellent writer with an eye for transportation, affordable housing, technology, and building community. She brings her experience contributing and managing a student-run blog and community radio station, and volunteering at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to Planetizen. She is a recent graduate of Stanford University's Program on Urban Studies, with a focus in Urban Society and Social Change. Ma'ayan enjoys biking, hiking, and listening to music.

The Death of Neighborhoods
In the same vein that Robert Putnam explored decaying community and social capital in American in his work, Bowling Alone, Brian Bethune discusses how the decay of Western communities shapes our health and political realms.
Multi-Generational Housing not only for Oldest Adults, Also Young Adults.
The Great Recession spiked the amount of young adults (aged 25-34) living in multi-generational housing, which has now surpassed the share of oldest adults (age 85+) living in these types of household structures.
California Cuts 'Level of Service' from CEQA Requirements
The State of California has shifted from measuring "Level of Service," a grade based on how many cars pass through an intersection in a given time, to assessing overall Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in its Environmental Quality laws.
The Role Infrastructure Employment Plays Throughout The United States
Brookings illuminates which states rely heaviest on infrastructure for employment as local policymakers are struggling with reliable federal funding throughout the peak of construction season.
California has the Potential to Power Itself Solely by Renewables
The new paper, "A Roadmap for Repowering California for all Purposes with Wind, Water, and Sunlight," discusses the potential clean energy future for the Golden State by 2050.