Ma'ayan Dembo is an excellent writer with an eye for transportation, affordable housing, technology, and building community. She brings her experience contributing and managing a student-run blog and community radio station, and volunteering at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to Planetizen. She is a recent graduate of Stanford University's Program on Urban Studies, with a focus in Urban Society and Social Change. Ma'ayan enjoys biking, hiking, and listening to music.
Developers Fail to Meet Affordable Housing Quota in Portland's Pearl District
Despite a contractual obligation, Hoyt Street Properties under-built 258 affordable housing units in Portland's Pearl District. The city has to react.
U.S. Street Safety Compares Poorly to Other Developed Countries
A new report from the International Transportation Forum (ITF) shows America's shortcomings on street safety compared to its peer nations.
Denver's Social Media Campaign to Celebrate the City
The Denver Community Planning and Development department unrolled a new social media campaign this week utilizing #favoriteplacedenver to celebrate the city's unique characteristics.
Study Measures Impacts of Climate and Land Use Changes
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Aarhus University in Denmark understand for the first time the combined potential impacts of both climate and land-use change on plants, animals, and ecosystems throughout the United States.
Review Finds Flaws in St. Paul's Draft Complete Streets Design Manual
Andy Singer reviews the new Complete Streets Design Manual Draft for the city of Saint Paul, Minnesota.