Ma'ayan Dembo is an excellent writer with an eye for transportation, affordable housing, technology, and building community. She brings her experience contributing and managing a student-run blog and community radio station, and volunteering at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to Planetizen. She is a recent graduate of Stanford University's Program on Urban Studies, with a focus in Urban Society and Social Change. Ma'ayan enjoys biking, hiking, and listening to music.
Study Rates Car 'Infotainment Systems' for Levels of Distraction
A study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety assessed the mental demands required of six hands-free, in-vehicle systems dialing phones and changing radio stations.
Star Apartments Offer Starchitect Treatment for L.A.'s Skid Row Homeless
The new 100-unit, $40-million Star Apartments opened in Skid Row earlier this week is part of Los Angeles County’s Housing for Health initiative to house 10,000 of the most vulnerable homeless people.

Mapping Lifestyle, Age, Income, and Population Density by ZIP Code
Esri offers a new product called Tapestry Segmentation, which overlays geography with U.S. Census and marketing data.
Latest American Community Survey: Continued Growth for (Some) Cities
According to the latest figures from the U.S. Census 2013 American Community Survey (ACS), Americans continue to move into cities en masse over suburbs, but certain cities are attracting larger crowds than others.
Millennials in Government
A new report on millennials working in the federal government was released earlier this week by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, detailing the trends associated with this young generation of employees.