Katharine P. Jose
Katharine Jose is a contributing editor at Planetizen. She lives in Texas.
Contributed 116 posts
Katharine Jose has written about politics, infrastructure, environment, development, natural disasters, and more for The New York Observer, Capital New York (now Politico New York), and The New York Times, among other publications. She was an editor for several publications in New York City before she moved to Texas, and has a master's degree in planning from the University of Texas-Austin.

Defeating SB 827 Did Not Discourage the YIMBY Movement
Though the California housing bill was a high-profile failure for pro-development activists, there are initiatives all over the country that carry its spirit.

Cities as ‘Powerhouses of Evolution’
A new book on urban ecology shows how quickly wild species living in cities can adapt to their surroundings.

Denver Bans 'Slot Homes,' But Not Before They Changed Neighborhoods
Aerial photos show just how completely some areas of the city were transformed before the building typology was eliminated earlier this week.

How the Lights in Our Cities Became Too Bright
“Why are lighting designers and experts nearly unified in their belief that outdoor lighting in past years has been excessive?”

Can Density Prevent Diabetes?
In Australia, a new study will determine the best ways to make high-density developments healthy places to live.