Katharine P. Jose
Katharine Jose is a contributing editor at Planetizen. She lives in Texas.
Contributed 116 posts
Katharine Jose has written about politics, infrastructure, environment, development, natural disasters, and more for The New York Observer, Capital New York (now Politico New York), and The New York Times, among other publications. She was an editor for several publications in New York City before she moved to Texas, and has a master's degree in planning from the University of Texas-Austin.
Hate Groups in the U.S. Are Both 'Concentrated and Considerably Spread Out'
A new study shows that these groups exist in around 10 percent of counties, and those counties are scattered across all 50 states.

Why Are the Feds Suddenly in Favor of Raising the Shasta Dam?
Despite state opposition and potential violations of California law, the Trump Administration has revived a project that was deemed impracticable only a few years ago.
Congress Asks that USGS Nominee 'Protect the Scientists'
After recent resignations, there's a new part of the job description: "maintain a sort of firewall between their scientific work and any political agendas."

Is Mass Timber the Solution to California's Housing Crisis?
One writer argues that cost, versatility and visual appeal makes this new building material exactly what the state will need if planned regulatory changes go through.
How to Fight 'Coastal Squeeze' By Engineering Nature
A Rutgers professor restores natural processes to help shorelines adapt to rising sea levels.