Diana is a writer and urbanist passionate about public space, historical memory, and transportation equity. Prior to joining Planetizen, she started and managed a farmers' market and worked as a transportation planner in the bike share industry. She is Planetizen's editor as of January 2022.

Miami Beach Could Permanently Pedestrianize Ocean Drive
The city banned vehicle traffic from the popular street during the pandemic. Now, transportation planners hope to make the change permanent as part of a new plan to prioritize pedestrians and improve transportation in the Entertainment District.

Arizona Proposes Legislation to Protect Water After Trump Rollbacks to Clean Water Act
To protect the state's water resources, Arizona's Department of Environmental Quality has drafted a new set of regulations aimed at replacing Clean Water Act provisions struck down by the Trump administration.

High Costs Lead Seattle to Scale Back Earthquake Work on Bridges
After underestimating costs by hundreds of millions, Seattle is forced to cut back on proposed seismic improvements for the city's bridges.

New South Bay BART Stations See Disappointing Ridership
Introduced during the pandemic in an area where many residents now work remotely, the new stations have failed to attract new commuters.

New York City Rolling Out First E-Scooters in the Spring
After years of outright banning them, New York City is finally giving e-scooters a chance to operate on its streets.